‘Inclusion of adolescents and young people in decision-making structures.’

by Jun 25, 2022

On 20th June 2022, AfriYAN Tanzania in support of Irish Aid conducted an advocacy meeting with its member organizations. The meeting aimed to advocate for the Inclusion of adolescents and young people in decision-making at the community, district, and regional levels.

The meeting consisted of a total of 20 (7 women & 13 men) representatives from AfriYAN member organizations from Kasulu TC & DC, Kibondo, kakonko & Uvinza, and other stakeholders.

The primary agenda/purpose of the meeting was to collect youth challenges and solutions on how they can access leadership positions (they can be engaged in decision-making bodies).

Other meetings have been conducted from 21st – 24th June 2022 in Kasulu TC & DC, Uvinza, Kakonko & Kibondo with relevant government officials at the community, village, ward, and district levels aiming at discussing the challenges addressed by youth and come up with recommendations and inputs to improve the policy brief that will be used to advocate for the Youth participation and engagement.